Nyakach women are generous vichwa ngumu


Bachelors and bachelorettes are not treated seriously among some of the Luo, where they are referred to as nga'ma oran (hopeless case). Ker Nyandiko Ongadi, an elder of the South Nyanza side of the Luo Council of Elders, stated that the Kanyamkago, Kajulu, and Kamenya clans were off-limits due to their proficiency in witchcraft and sorcery. While not everyone in the clan was involved in this dark trade, many "were known to engage with bilo and juok (witchcraft and traditional medicine), hence marrying into that clan was prohibited," he adds, adding that nowadays, families are regarded rather than clans.

"Nyakach people are originally warriors, fierce and unyielding; this quality is still in their blood." It's no surprise that Nyakach women are stereotyped as tough."

    Men are also advised regarding women from Nyakach, according to Mzee John Lazare, Secretary of Nyakach Elders, since "Nyakach people are initially warriors, fierce, and suffer no foolishness; a quality that still runs in their blood." "It's no surprise that Nyakach women are considered hard-headed and difficult to domesticate," adds the former instructor, adding that these women were thought 'undesirable' to others due to their obvious masculinity, yet despite their hardness, Nyakach women are the most charitable in Luo Nyanza.

    Women in Siaya County are described as "captivating troublemakers," whereas women in Yimbo are known to employ witchcraft to cast charms on their husbands. Women from Alego, also in Siaya, are reported to be diligent, but they enjoy causing problems and are lelo (loud), according to an ecological economist from Boro in Ugenya, Siaya County. According to the ecological economist, ladies from Seme in Kisumu County make the finest spouses because they are disciplined and their naiveté adds to their appealing package.


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