
Nyakach women are generous vichwa ngumu

       Bachelors and bachelorettes are not treated seriously among some of the Luo, where they are referred to as nga'ma oran (hopeless case). Ker Nyandiko Ongadi, an elder of the South Nyanza side of the Luo Council of Elders, stated that the Kanyamkago, Kajulu, and Kamenya clans were off-limits due to their proficiency in witchcraft and sorcery. While not everyone in the clan was involved in this dark trade, many "were known to engage with bilo and juok (witchcraft and traditional medicine), hence marrying into that clan was prohibited," he adds, adding that nowadays, families are regarded rather than clans. "Nyakach people are originally warriors, fierce and unyielding; this quality is still in their blood." It's no surprise that Nyakach women are stereotyped as tough."      Men are also advised regarding women from Nyakach, according to Mzee John Lazare, Secretary of Nyakach Elders, since "Nyakach people are initially warriors, fierce, and suf

Ignore Kabete and Kiambu, and marry a Murang'a woman instead.

  There were minimal limitations on Kikuyu tribal marriages, although males were advised against marrying from the Ethaga (also known as the Ambura) clan, one of the nine Agikuyu clans. The Ethaga were known for rainmakers, but their women were known for witchcraft, which was viewed with suspicion in Central Kenya despite the fact that it was designed to protect the village from marauders. "Ethaga are not inherently bad," explains Mzee Peter Kibue of Kiambu County, "but when compared to other Kikuyu clans, very few marry or be married to an Ethaga for fear of their using their particular abilities to hurt."     Aside from no-go zone clans, the Kikuyu were particularly concerned with personal families, and those with a background of curses and disasters were given special consideration. According to Josephat Chege, a Murang'a elder, such households would be shunned due to incidents that occurred decades ago. Families of Kikuyu who were believed to have backed the

Marry a Kenyan at your own Risk

      Marriage is meant to be a lovely experience. After all, according to the Bible, "he who finds a wife finds a wonderful thing." Marriage, on the other hand, isn't always pleasant. There are apparently clans in Kenya whose women are off-limits to guys looking for a happily-ever-after marriage. Women from some Kikuyu clans, for example, are known for their 'headaches,' while others are known for their 'quick and furious' separations, even before the totos crawl. An aunt in the know might point out to a love-struck guy that even the girl's grandmother 'went away' 500 times throughout her marriage to persuade him of the hazards.      But, in the twenty-first century, can ancient notions about tribal tribes with a "evil eye" and many others loaded with "unmarriable" women still retain moisture? Does the 'mahewa generation' do thorough background checks wives to see whether they belong to the correct clans? Another qu


Team Effectiveness Among different cultures and better decision making. The favorable influence of team heterogeneity on team performance is intimately linked to team intercultural communication, but it is also attributable to the capacity for decision-making dispersion. Multiple points of view, increasing availability of information and skills, and constructive conflict all help to improve decision-making. This is made easier by cross-functional design. Different cultures get accustomed to incorporating various or diverse points of view into the decision-making process at the early stages of development. Promote peace and harmony by reducing intercultural conflicts. Constant contact via the use of technology is altering people's perceptions of themselves and how they convey their thoughts and express themselves, allowing them to gain attention, be heard, and not feel alone in their viewpoint. Learning about other cultures using technology can help reduce cross-cultural conflicts b

Increased connections between different cultures through ICT

  People all across the world are now more connected than ever before as a result of globalization. Most industries, including business, education, and healthcare, communicate via email, websites, and social media from a single location, the most popular of which is the corporate website.   “By means of providing a central location for users access these collective functions and services”.   (Dodd, 1996) However, each form of technology has its own set of functionalities that, when overused, may create communication barriers and reduce the technology's intended productivity. Email and social networks, such as Facebook, are two of the most common and quick ways to connect with people and organizations from all over the world. However, some users are unaware of the potential for intercultural communication issues. Unlike a few websites that offer translation options such as Spanish, English, and French. The majority of email and social networking services are built on the user'

Introduction of Translation Software’s

When one thinks about intercultural communication, the first thing that comes to mind is usually language, albeit other aspects play a role in the process. In most nations, language differs between cultures in terms of both verbal and physical communication. Because cultural diversity is such a significant issue in today's society, workers in all fields must be trained on how to deal with a variety of language and communication challenges. Language and communication obstacles are common as a result of language differences. However, thanks to the development of translation software, we have been able to overcome one of the most significant communication hurdles of all time: linguistic variance. We may now connect with individuals from all over the world with a single click of a button, despite the fact that we may speak dialects that are completely unrelated. Google Translate is one example of this type of translation software. “True development is not successful unless the change

Open New Space for Intercultural Interactions and Communication

As one of the most widely used and accessed technologies, media has played an important part in improving how various cultures connect and communicate. For example, with the introduction of technologies such as digital and android television, people from all over the world can watch and exchange ideas in real time. Media stations such as CNN, DW, and BBC, for example, can transmit the same piece of information to different parts of the world, ensuring that locals receive the information in their preferred languages. “Mass media increase our awareness of issues, although interpersonal sources serve to persuade us more directly”  (Dodd, 1996)

ICT has Promote Reaching out and sharing of opinions and Ideas

Technology has aided in the creation of an atmosphere in which you may freely exchange your thoughts, ideas, and a large number of employees. Individuals of diverse backgrounds have been able to connect and share what they know thanks to social media platforms, providing us a look into the lives of people all around the world. Many new forms of electronic communication have emerged as a result of technological advancements, such as social networking websites and videoconferences. This has aided in the removal of time and space as impediments to efficient communication between cultures. Many aspects of society, including business, education, and international affairs, have benefited from this. Diversity and inclusiveness are fostered and celebrated in this way. Technology has also expanded the ability to reach out and exchange information. Through electronic communication means such as email, phone, videoconferences, online newsletters, instant messaging, and the intranet, technology ha


Information and communication Technology is the integration of audio-visual and telephone networks via an unified cable system, and it is an outgrowth of information technology. It is also a computer and telecommunications unified system. Communication or connection between persons from various groups and cultures is referred to as intercultural communication. Also, when different cultures interact, the influence of communicative behavior. These exchanges might be vocal or nonverbal.  “Intercultural communication is sending and receiving of messages within a context of cultural differences producing different effects or Involves an interface between two or more communication parties”. (Dodd, 1996) Globalization and technological advancements have elevated intercultural verbal communication to the forefront of many debates, with some focusing on interplay, culture and cultural identity elements, ethics, educational demands, interaction, and language and cultural hurdles. However, other